So Jack Ma once said, “If you put a banana and lotta money in front of a monkey, the monkey will choose a banana”, I wonder if thats how you Anti-Modi people choose your leader? Did I just call you all monkeys?? Oops! Well, I just meant you ain’t evolved. You ain’t evolved to understand […]
Tag: akshita pachauri
So, like every younger sibling, I too steal my older’s wardrobe. Although in my case, there’re just the labeled t-shirts of my brother, because nothing else fits. Somehow, we always find our elder sibling’s clothes much more cool, their gadgets much advanced and them as a person much more evil.*Don’t forget the things they made […]
“What really knocks me out is a book that, when you’re all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn’t happen much, though”. Well this is a #ShoutOut to all the nerds […]
“Different just like the others?”This line is so admiring for some yet so delusional for others and my personal bête noire. And why the fudge would anybody wanna be, “just like the others”. I’m in my early twenties and my last 10 years or so had been a fight to just what ya call, “Stand […]